There are so many dictionary entries for the word "slew", I'm having a difficult time pasting them here. Who knew there could be so many? definitions slew slew1 [sloo] Synonyms Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on verb 1. simple past tense of slay. slew2or slue [sloo] noun , Informal. 1. a large number or quantity: a whole slew of people. Origin of slew 2 Irish Americanism; < Irish sluagh crowd, throng, army, host slew3 [sloo] verb (used with or without object), noun 1. slue1. slew4 [sloo] noun , U.S., Canadian. 1. slough1(def 3). slay [sley] verb (used with object), slew or slayed, (especially for def 4); slain; slaying. 1. to kill by violence. 2. to destroy; extinguish. 3. sley. 4. Slang. to impress strongly; overwhelm, especially by humor: Your jokes slay me. to make a strong impression with: She really slayed her performance las...