
Showing posts from May, 2019

9 Kois Step by Step

 Underpainting of cobalt blues and white.  Darkened it up a bit. Blocking in the 9 lucky Kois with oranges, yellows and white.  Suddenly colored.  With eyes and a few highlights. Done with minor improvements.

May 2019 Paintings

Butterfly Ears. 12"x 16" Acrylic on canvas. May 25. Chocolate Hills in watercolor. May 14. 9 Kois. 14" x 28" Acrylic on canvas. May 14. Sisters in Daisies. 16"x 20" Acrylic. May 6.

Sisters in Daisies Step by Step

 Underpainting of landscape.  A piece of sky.  Blocking in two girls in what we call the "ugly stage".  First girl done! Skin tones and denim pants. Sisters in Daisies done!!! Thanks to Cinnamon Cooney!