Guadalupe Step by Step

A chalk outline of the fat cross The Lady in chalk and a burnt sienna outline of the cross (adjusted) A textured bg using a palette knife with a mix of umber (bg), flesh, white and ochre. Outlines of figures in burnt sienna Glow in ochre and burnt sienna and white gradations Glow lines done Cloak and Gown blocked in. Dress done Face done. Two faces. Four hands. A heart and a crucifix. Angels all around Skies of cyan blue Wings for bottom cherub and stripes for inner clauses Added touches of cobalt blue all around for depth and did the roses. There were 3 shades of blue used for this painting alone. Our Lady of Guadalupe Cross is done. She is also known as the Protectress of the Unborn. Let us all pray. Had to make the corkboard background darker with burnt umber. Final artwork.