
Showing posts from June, 2020

Fantasy Staircase Step by Step

A ground of light turquoise. Phthalos green and blue and titanium white.  The sky with sweeping clouds and the turquoise sea. From the sea, an island has emerged Blocked in the foreground image of the fantasy steps with dark tones. Dabbing in a few highlights of rocks, steps and foliage. Now for the icing on the cake... the addition of flowers plus 2 birds aaaaaand I'm done. Iā€™m so happy with the way this turned out. It's not my usual fare. Thanks once again to TAS !

Flower Mouse 2 Step by Step

 Some chalk outlines on a Black BG and a flower in alizarin crimson, quinacridone rose, titanium white and deep violet.  Mouse peeking through. Droplets added. Flower Mouse done!

Sea Turtle Step by Step

 BG of phthalo blue and ultramarine blue on a 24"x 24" square canvas Chalked in/freehanded the sea turtle and darkened some areas with darker blues. Added some burnt sienna and black for coral and turtle underpaintings.  Added some distant school of fishes and coral highlights.  More coral highlights  Turtle highlights The eye has it! Plus some blushes here and there. Sea Turtle done! Thanks once again to the Art Sherpa!

June 2020 Paintings

Frontliners 2 watercolor commission. June 30. Fantasy Staircase, an 18"x 24" Acrylic on Canvas courtesy of TAS. June 23. Aurora Borealis Watercolor tutorial by TAS. June 21. Octopus Watercolor, a TAS tutorial. June 18. Flower Mouse 2, Acrylic on an 18"x 24" Canvas Panel. June 17. Flower Mouse šŸ , a soft pastel artwork on Strathmore paper. June 14. Pandesal and Sardines, soft pastel art on paper, a Julius Legaspi tutorial via Zoom. June 13. Sea Turtle, a TAS tutorial. 24"x 24" acrylic on canvas. June 12. Our Lady of Guadalupe Cross, 24" x 30" Acrylic on Canvas, June 3.