
Various purchases for the first quarter of the year and beyond Once I finally figure out what I want in life ironically at an age closing in on retirement, and how I'm going to get it (not that I'm not enjoying the present and my present day self-presented presents ); maybe I'll waste less time on things that don't really matter (and they’re not only material) and be more purposeful in life (not that I don't really walk with intent). Basically, I just really like to reward myself in any way, shape or form as self-care or self-love because I feel I deserve them to function properly in life (but that's our little secret, eh?) So now, for as long as I am sufficiently ambulatory 😂 , progressively artistic 👩🏼🎨, consistently consistent ( like hot, melted beurre ) 🧈and continually self-inspired; what's to worry about?