Albert and his "Fermas"

About a week ago, as I was doing my morning routine of walking around our (enclosed) neighborhood street, my friendly and fave neighborhood "keepers" Dennis (all-around caretaker of the former nearby Discovery Pre-school) and Albert (neighbor housekeeper) and I went to Albert's fruit-bearing tree just inside his boss' outdoor garage lot to harvest (or just pick) a largish plump green textured fruit that looked like "langka" or jackfruit but which Albert referred to as "fermas". Dennis being the limber one did all the tree-climbing. Apparently, neither of us knew what it was called so I googled up an image I took of it the following day after already having eaten some broiled with sugar , and came up with the Google Lens image above. It's been properly identified as breadfruit or "rimas" in Tagalog or "camansi" or "kulo" in Visayan. From Pinterest, I came across a vintage image of some breadfruit carried by...