Fuck Imelda and her minions!

Choose your battles wisely. Today I choose to wear black in solidarity with the people who remember this day as a day in Philippine History Infamy when Martial Law was declared as Presidential Proclamation No. 1081. I don’t need to elaborate our collective consciousness any further because if you’re still breathing, then you know. NO to the Marcoses who wrecked this country, robbed it of hope and continue to rob it and wreck it mindlessly! Just like genius, idiocy has no limits. At least genius would know how to maintain good composure. So I say vive la différence! Between them and me, let's see who has more mileage. People of the Philippines, if you don’t know where you stand, know the difference between right and wrong or light from dark and choose to be in the dark rather than embrace the light in front of all of us, then anything goes for you. If at this point in time and it’s been 51 years of trickle-down hell, you don’t even care to think about what’s good for you, then no...