The Boy and The Heron (2023)

Yesterday, I was able to drive to the mall and watch a Miyazaki Animé movie for the first time on the big screen and I thought this would be a nice treat for me as I have always been viewing Studio Ghibli movies with the confines of my computer monitor at home. Since this is reportedly Miyazaki’s last movie, now 83, his swan song so to speak; it was the perfect time for me to do so. So I went to the theater expecting to go home with a happy Miyazaki Animé movie experience in tow. I wasn’t wrong. I enjoyed the movie and although I am not obliged to say why, I thought having a novel experience in life is always the best experience anyway. So I convinced myself that despite the mixed reviews I have read prior, I will enjoy the movie regardless and that I did! Certainly! Triumph over matter (or material)! Anyway, not veering off the topic, I read a little about or watched some YouTube reviews on how the movie would unfold and although many had said it really wasn’t the bes...