That's Amore!

Just when I was beginning to think I was turning more and more into a stick in the mud with all my Internet waves and wantings, I realized I was waiting for this moment when I had a job of my own, and a steady income. Well, next to owning this Pizza Joint, what could be better than leasing the place I used to call home and do away with all the heavy work a real business is involved with.
Today, I was able to visit my old hometown...still in Quezon City but distanced by horrendous highway traffic from home now. It was like a walk in memory lane...upgraded by a very large Shakey's sign where I used to enjoy home-cooked food. My prayers have been answered after all, just across the street in fact where I asked for an intention in our old Lourdes church. In 2007, I remembered lighting a candle in the hopes of finding a good lessee. Today, I was happy to light a yellow candle in Thanksgiving for my new Pizza Shakin' business.