Today is Easter Sunday! Not wanting to pass it up like it was an ordinary day but the beginning of the Advent Season and the end of Lent in the Christian Calendar; I thought I'd post something this cool Van Gogh Cake art I snagged somewhere on the internets . I wish I'd have a cake as beautiful as this one on my birthday. What follows by the way , is an earful of self-advice that could easily apply to Vincent as well ie, if he were still alive. This is probably his best form of resurrection though… as icing on a cake, just like how he would thickly apply paint on a canvas. Alas, all I have is the Art I get and freely give and although they're not flattering all the time, they're also non-fattening. It's N O T y e t my birthday though. It's just a reminder of what's unspokenly in store for me come May 20, my 60th! Can you believe it? 00001100001000011100000011100000110001100010000011100111100011000110001100 BONUS Conte...
Oh boy! It's 8:24 am MLA time and the rains have been cascading non-stop since early this morning. As a matter of fact, we have been issued a Red Alert Warning by the NDRRMC (National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council) for the current weather conditions. That means that we are experiencing severe, extreme and excessive weather and that we are advised to stay home as classes in private schools as well as attendances in government offices have been cancelled. And I thought the Orange Alert yesterday was already intense as I was scrambling to get home from the gym at 10 am when there was a sudden downpour, to try to avoid our subdivision's accumulation of creek water possibly resulting in a mini street flood and my car being stranded in traffic. Yikes! 😱 Anyway, this present scenario, a quick look at the local news and me being stranded at home now has given me time to think and blog about it...for what's a girl to do? The streets of Manila right now inundated...
J une brings showers, flowers and beauty all around us. The name means youth from Latin juvenis , young people. As of today June 4, I think I have seen 4-5 free movies in the regular theaters as part of my Senior Citizen perks. Two of them really are for children, IF and Garfield...and I loved them both. I thought Garfield won't be a disappointment to watch for its cuteness based on the books but when we were introduced to Vic his estranged father (spoiler alert) , we all saw a cuter fatter cat than Garfield himself, the ultimate lazy fat sarcastic cat. Never mind the storyline at first I thought. The 3D animation and wisecracks were good enough to grab our collective attention, adults and children alike especially if you're already familiar with the strip. Now if I wanted more immersion, maybe I'll plan on watching it again next week as I missed on the nitty-gritty of the criminal world they find themselves embroiled in not that any of it is complicated. Nothing her...