Remembering Ninang Gilda

In remembrance of Ninang Gilda's birthday anniversary on June 4 (she would have been 93), I want to write something about one of my dear friends in life really. She was the age of my parents but she was so youthful-minded and me so stubborn and self-absorbed, we clicked! I felt lucky I got to know her up close. She was one of those authoritative, iconic figures who was actually very approachable and warm, it's disarming. When we were studying English in high school, we actually got to read a short story by her that I couldn't forget but also couldn't fully remember now. It had something to do with a runaway panty and I simply remember it being original. I told my teacher I actually knew the writer as she was a close family friend. The teacher just ignored me. She was the wife of one of daddy's schoolmates in UP LAW Class of '52. In retirement, my father's "barkada" or friends and their wives had a round-robin method of treating each other out for l...