The Good News

It’s almost ludicrous just listening to the daily news…like Today with the rattling urgency to regulate AI before the technology gets humanly uncontrollable, to the 1.5 degrees of global warming as tipping point for worldwide catastrophe in a few years’ time. Ludicrous!

As it is, I am a self-employed freelance artist not bound to the confines and confining 9-5 office job unlike both my parents in their lifetime and all my siblings today (and all the news reporters apparently). I work from home, practically on my own (with no boss to answer to except my classmate clients and collaborators). I have little money in my bank account and try to make plenty out of little. For example, I have plenty of imagination to fuel my mind out of tormenting mundane situations and that may be sufficient to keep me content, inspired, on top of my game and sane. I don’t possess a sports car like maybe an Alpine which is what I would like for myself or live in a well-secured and sprawling gated mansion or cháteau, also a preference, given oneor two. I like amblin' in malls to do window-shopping if I’m not fully-financed to buy every little item I see and like (contrary to what you might think) and go to the gym to workout sometimes. This is basically me in a nutshell navigating the main roads.

So you see, if I had much to lose in life, much more than what is the life you see in me right now, I would be scared witless with all these alarming wall-to-wall tv news coverage of bad information! As it is, I handle day to day life challenges in the regulated Daily Required Amount only and that may be enough impositional diet to one’s mental constitution.

I am not at all fazed by the stupid news (as stupid as AI can potentially be in the long term), as long as I feel I AM the good news. If you’re human and reading this, so should you.   #fuckAmerica

The All-Knowing Eye Never Sleeps
An Eye for an AI


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