On Tablets

Wrought Iron Cat

If there's one thing I noticed about me lately, I've been wanting devices similar to an Apple iPad, the latest digital craze, like the new Android 2.2 tablet from Samsung coming out in September, etc...any tablet for that matter.  I've been wanting, but I really am not properly funded, nor do I really need one right away.

To appreciate what I already have in my possession (since 2003 I believe), I have revived and revisited my VIEWSONIC Tablet PC and naturally drew something on it, something I've wanted to do for a long time.  Last night, after installing and uninstalling an anti-virus software (because I noticed it was becoming a resource hog for a by-now-old-machine), I fired up my best pirated drawing software ALIAS on it and drew this wrought iron cat plant holder until the batteries ran out.  This was the length of time this particular illustration took to make.  I know it needs more work but I posted it just the same to see how it would look published.  So here it is and hopefully, more to come...


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