Top Ten Things I like about Gaga

Watch this vid as the Musicians@Google (pay tribute) & Present: Google Goes Gaga

Given this Internet Age and millions of admirers who follow her through this medium many younger ones would consider the only one they're familiar with,  I thought of writing a dissertation on Lady Gaga, in essence to validate her___ but I thought it would be best to assume the manner of simply enumerating the Top Ten things I like about her, knowing that most of you reading this piece would be 'attention-deficited' by now.

So here it is, the Top Ten Things I like about Lady Gaga:

1. Her unconventional wisdom.
2. Her fierce l*o*v*e for the underdog. (zzzzzo gayzzz)
3. Her sense of humour. (Yep!  She's got it!)
4. Her sense of artistic creativity and freedom. (Who can wear shoes like that?)
5. Her appreciation for Life. (I don't think she's the suicidal type!)
6. Her mother's love. (She has a lovely looking mother!)
7. Her fearless approach to life balanced with a clearly "thinking mind".
8. Her political incorrectness. (not at all Conservatory of Music, are we?)
9. Her "beat" which is to say her pop music. (I don't know of anybody who literally *can't* sing any of her tunes!)
10. Her "sit-down" presence. (She really is a good interview. I know I know, You can thank me later.)

I guess it's safe to say now: you should Google her some more!
"I'm coming!"


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