Back with a slew of Famous Internet Time-Wasters, On the tracks of finding a Real Gem
Metro Manila Today: State of the Nation Addressed Re: Our Liquid Assets
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Oh boy! It's 8:24 am MLA time and the rains have been cascading non-stop since early this morning. As a matter of fact, we have been issued a Red Alert Warning by the NDRRMC (National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council) for the current weather conditions. That means that we are experiencing severe, extreme and excessive weather and that we are advised to stay home as classes in private schools as well as attendances in government offices have been cancelled. And I thought the Orange Alert yesterday was already intense as I was scrambling to get home from the gym at 10 am when there was a sudden downpour, to try to avoid our subdivision's accumulation of creek water possibly resulting in a mini street flood and my car being stranded in traffic. Yikes! π±
Anyway, this present scenario, a quick look at the local news and me being stranded at home now has given me time to think and blog about it...for what's a girl to do?
The streets of Manila right now inundated with Typhoon Carina courtesy Twitter #Baha #CarinaPH
Climate change is real. Severe droughts and severe rainfall will only get more severe in the Philippines. This is just an ordinary seasonal typhoon but look: Floods close to home! This should not be the case at all since it’s practically preventable and is a basic concern for government. I mean, there's no point in creating a Council to send warnings to all Filipinos in times of calamities when proper infrastructure had been put in place to begin with. There’s so many things to be done to help with our dismal state of local affairs, things that can actually be done, it bears repetition. So many.
But I say let’s start with a President doing his natural civic duty for others to follow. Let’s start with him paying his taxes and surrendering his family’s illegal wealth accumulated throughout his father and mother’s tenure in office and public life. Who knows? People can reform and people with addictions (whatever they may be, not that I'm personally referring to the President himself) can rehabilitate so there's that underlying, undeniable factor called hope. Just as the rains seem unrelenting today, hope springs eternal. Let’s start with that.
A country is as poor as the minds of politicians who only want wealth for themselves. Politics was made for social activism that will benefit all, not just a select few via good governance. There is nothing good in stealing money from the poor and furthering self interests as the Marcoses have done and continually do and they have been thepioneering spirit of this recalling a not so distant memory. Same with the Dutertes. Politics in the Philippines is so self-righteous and self-serving it leaves us, the common taoencheapened by it all. There is no quality of life here. The worth of a man is measured by the clothes on his back and if it's raining, then just "bravura" to those with no raincoats!!??
With everything the President has reported in the recently concluded SONA Valuation two days ago, one thing stands out. That there’s only a rhetoric of politicians' misleading promises to be secured into office...and personal ambitions that will keep them afloat for life, with no regard for the welfare of the masses, their actual constituency. Even if you're not directly affected by the floods with your million dollar mansions, let that sink in Mr. President! Head!And whatever you actually said during your 3rd SONA, maybe just keep it to yourself next time as I was bored to tears just listening.
“I must be a mermaid; I have no fear of depth and a great fear of shallow living.”
--- AnaΓ―s Nin
Metro Manila today. Oh, the places I go to (…or just won’t anymore)!
Update: It’s 4:33 pm as I’m writing this and the rains haven’t let up! Oh dear.
J une brings showers, flowers and beauty all around us. The name means youth from Latin juvenis , young people. As of today June 4, I think I have seen 4-5 free movies in the regular theaters as part of my Senior Citizen perks. Two of them really are for children, IF and Garfield...and I loved them both. I thought Garfield won't be a disappointment to watch for its cuteness based on the books but when we were introduced to Vic his estranged father (spoiler alert) , we all saw a cuter fatter cat than Garfield himself, the ultimate lazy fat sarcastic cat. Never mind the storyline at first I thought. The 3D animation and wisecracks were good enough to grab our collective attention, adults and children alike especially if you're already familiar with the strip. Now if I wanted more immersion, maybe I'll plan on watching it again next week as I missed on the nitty-gritty of the criminal world they find themselves embroiled in not that any of it is complicated. Nothing her...
I have no more platform left to vent out my feelings for the ☘️ month πΌ and days that just passed and will come, except this one☝️so forget about my artworks for a while. Let’s just do some serious blogging. May is my birthday month. 20 is my birthday and on Monday the 20th of May this year, I will turn 60 and a Senior Citizen of the world as a matter of fact! πI’m trying to figure how this one goes but just like I said, it’s just a matter of fact. π I don’t feel any different or special or even older except that I’ve accepted the days that keep marching by to be days that lead to substance, days that count, days that lead to acceptance and productivity…to happiness, fulfilment and all gaining momentum for me to become a better me; π things that were so alien to me just a couple of years ago π¦π₯. Whatever this means, I feel a lot more whole than when I was oh , 30? π₯ I try to do what I can to maintain a level of happiness that no one else can give me, not my family ...