February 2018 Paintings

Self-Portrait via Procreate on the iPad w/ Apple Pencil. February 26.

Cross-hatching Still Life exercise. Soft Pastel. February 23.

Grapes & Bananas Still Life in Soft Pastel. February 23.

2 Witnesses of Mt. Mayon Erupting. Acrylic on 12" x 16" canvas. February 22.

Bangka watercolor on 6.75" x 11.75" paper. February 14.
Happy V-Day to all!

Sunflowers Still Life. Acrylic on 14" x 11" canvas. February 13.

Bicycle Man. Digital drawing on iPad Pro. February 10. 

Dirty Ice Cream. Watercolor on 7.5" x 11.75" paper. February 10.

Flower Vase Still Life. 12.75" x 20" Soft Pastel. February 3.

3 Boys near Solar Windmills. 20" x 13" Soft Pastel. February 3.


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