Cate the Great Portrait Step by Step

I watched the movies Elizabeth The Virgin Queen (1998) and Elizabeth The Golden Years (2007) back to back this weekend as computer downloads, and was blown away by the production value, the costumes, the actors, the story. Cate Blanchett as Queen Elizabeth however was absolutely exquisite! She was vulnerable, sweet then determined and domineering and just perfect for her role as the historical feminine monarch of Renaissance England. She was totally believable and more!

This is my fan art of her as Cate the Great, Hollywood Queen! 
This is for you Cate and all the magnificent and powerful women of the world right now.
Long live the Queen! I hope to do you justice.

Face chalked in a 16”x 20” canvas board
A brunaille painting in acrylic using raw umber & a thin filbert brush
Today, Wednesday I was able to paint in the face with flesh tones.
I think I see the resemblance.
Went a little rogue with rouge for the ruff.
They say an artist’s work is never done anyway so.
 Happy with my ruff for now.


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