November 2021 Paintings

Pet Portrait Challenge 2. 12" x 18" On the Spot Soft Pastel. November 28.

Pet Portrait Challenge 1. 12" x 18" On the Spot Soft Pastel. November 28.

Proud of my wide range of art accomplishments for the week that passed. November 27.

Weekend digital doodle via Paper App . November 27.

Waverly Place, my take on a NYC urban landscape scene in Ink and Watercolor.
7.5”x 10.5” watercolor paper. November 27.

Wasserende Am Dach, my watercolor version of a Hundertwasser painting. 
To be translated to wall (as soon as I figure out how). November 25.

"Cosas", a Joan Miro-inspired acrylic painting of old things found in my roof studio. 
16"x 20" canvas. November 24. 

An ode to the brown paper bag.
The power of four (years old).
Aiming for a tesseract.

Variations of my digital selfie sketch via PSExpress. November 24.

Gal Gadot quick sketch in Procreate from a Twitter post. 
*Can’t help it if I’m a quick draw* November 23.

Lily Pond watercolor/soft pastel tutorial from Iris Babao-Uy on Shopkeeparty. 
November 23.

Winter Light Prelude Soft Pastel tutorial by Robert Dutton courtesy of Shopkeeparty. 
November 19.

My Pink Bike. Original Acrylic on 16” x 20” canvas. November 17.

Hilary Knight-inspired children’s book freehanded fanart feat Eloise. 
Procreate on iPad Pro. November 11.

Two Birds Wisdom. 
Quick Procreate and PS Express creation on iPad Pro. November 11.

Super Saiyan Goku. Digital drawing done on Procreate. November 11.

The Moorlands, from a Robert Dutton tutorial for the 6th PPA Convention. 
Soft Pastel on 12”x 18” paper. November 9.

Potatoes Not Prozac feat Van Gogh's Potato Eater Gordina de Groot. 
Digital drawing via Procreate. November 7.

Me in Procreate via iPad Pro. November 6.

Four stages of Nirvana digital drawing. Procreate on the iPad Pro. November 6.

Son Goku’s Cosmos. Oil Pastel on 12”x 18” paper. November 6.

Joan Miro’s Break of Day c.1968, embellished. 
Digital Drawing on iPad Pro with Paper App. November 6.

Miró-inspired digital drawing of Dog on iPad Pro with Paper App. November 6.


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