February 2022 Paintings

My 2016 Acrylic Rooster retouched. 12" x 16". February 27.

Obelix 16"x 20" Acrylic. February 27.

Still Life Pitcher 2 from #PPAJoyofMarkMaking Challenge. 
Soft Pastel on 9”x 12” Canson Mi-Teintes. February 28.

Still Life Pitcher from today’s #PPAJoyofMarkMaking Challenge. 
Soft Pastel on 9”x 12” Canson Mi-Teintes. February 27.

Think Pink of health! Digital drawing #procreate. February 24.

Favorite Things. #Procreate. February 24.

Dinosaurs Baryonyx walkeri, its fact sheet and 
Acrocanthosaurus  (both theropods) in Pen, Ink and Watercolor. February 23.

My first NFT. I wish. February 23.

Pandesal Still Life. 18"x 12"Soft Pastel. February 17.

To recap, the four videos as a picture collage. February 17.

Presenting: My Nintendo Switch Joycons. #Procreate. February 15.

Japanese saying: Fall seven times, get up eight. #Procreate. February 15.

Kung Fu Panda’s Po time-lapse rendition via #procreate. February 14.

Need I say more? February 7.

It’s not a painting. 
It’s a photo I took of my two inanimate pet dogs on my headboard 
edited via PSExpress for Happy Hearts Month. February 6.

Not feeling really satisfied with a half-painted old door and not being particularly sold on the idea of “loneliness in my room”, I continued painting my door by applying a few tricks from Hundertwasser himself and did my own spots of water against a striped red BG and a yellow dome creating a happy overall “look”! Now it looks more like “library art” iykwim. February 4.

My best and instant Hundertwasser Acrylic version of Die Vier Einsemkeiten 
which translates to The Four Solitudes on my aging bedroom washroom door. A biggie. 
Funny because I was just listening to Loneliness in My Room song by Enigma earlier this morning
and I chose this Hundertwasser image randomly. Maybe the song got stuck in my subconscious.
February 3.

Me as a Matador circa 1960’s. Olé! 
#Procreate #PSExpress. February 1, Chinese New Year Salvo.


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