Do you mind?

 So what's on your mind? Here are some things on my mind right now: Artworks, Nature and Games galore! The big red flower on the right is actually a discarded zinnia from my neighbor’s sidewalk which I took a picture of, cropped and then googled for proper identification. The artwork on the left is my recent output from our Pastel Floral workshop. The dated Pirate digital drawing I included is a symbol of the pirated movies/games I indulge in despite my 3-month free Apple TV subscription which expires on October. Hm.

Some legitimate games available on Apple Arcade I actually play a t m and hope I can play with after my free subscription ends include: Lego StarWars Battles and Castaways, Kingdom Rush Vengeance (nice!), Nickelodeon Extreme Tennis, Taiko No Tatsujin Pop Tap Beat, SongPop Party, My Horse from Natural Motion (an old App), and Simon’s Cat Storytime among others. Plus there are some more really engaging games on my Switch so…I never really run out of things to do with my very adept albeit overworked hands.

*UPDATE* I decided to do an upscaled version of the same image to use as my iMac wallpaper in its native resolution and I naturally put more pictures of apps and games given the additional real estate. To name them, there's a Dr. Seuss Collection of interactive storybooks, the Zen Pinball Party, ClapHanz Golf, Angry Birds Reloaded, Pro Snooker & Pool 2022, Pacman Party, Smashing Four, Millionaire Trivia, Wildscapes Games, & the Vectornator Art App; Apple Music, Garage Band, Quicktime and Apple TV+ for music to listen to and movies to watch on. Needless to say, these are a few of my favorite things...especially on a thunderous day like today. Just don't ask me how I do time management with these slew of activities because I don't. I just do. Enjoy!

#takingstock #games #activities #photoshop #apple #iMac #apps #applearcade #garageband #music #canyouspottoothlessthedragon? #ithinkimadragonballzcollector

Bonus Colorful Collection Collage.


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