Switch Games Now

… on Sale! Well, it seems Steam is not my only hub for video games. First of all, despite the impressive specs of my iMac M1 , the Mac in general isn’t built for hardcore gaming unlike Microsoft’s Windows which my nephew Rocco uses in his handsomely gadget-filled room and is so proud of toying around with. I don’t have the latest version of PlayStation and I don’t intend to buy one just because it’s the latest high-end console craze. I already have two Nintendo Switches in my possession, the regular one with neon joy-cons and the Lite version in yellow and I’m currently content with my acquisitions. As a matter of fact, I don’t play with them to their full potential. I’m a self-professed casual gamer and I like to play at my own pace. It makes me appreciate the games even more when I don’t act like a mad gamer…. like I used to maybe? *It's even becoming more evident now that I just like to buy games for the sake of buying them.* Anyway, Nintendo eshop recently had a sale which...