“ A fashion-icon of a game!”
“Game genre: Trial and Error just like in math 🙂.” ---Adô

                                                                                                   Today, I would like to rave about a recent game I bought at Steam after my 3-month free subscription from Apple Arcade eventually waned which I felt I needed to fill in or sub (like what’s a good M1 Mac hardware for anyway?) It’s called Gris and it’s basically a 2D puzzle-based platformer of a sole feminine protagonist or character that goes through a multitude of challenges that don’t seem obvious at first. In one of the first scenes, you’re given the simple option of walking either left or right using the A or D keys on your keyboard and in many instances, you’ll ask yourself wtf? In fact, puzzles are hidden in plain sight. 

Gris, as I understand means Grey in French or if you prefer Gray. It involves a solitary girl going through a colorful emotional journey which starts out with a black and white surrounding signifying her initial sadness or lonely state understandably, then evolves to the red stage and some more colorful stages that follow which I haven’t reached yet. I suspect we’ll be coming to blue next then green then yellow… I really have no idea but she reportedly sings in the end! lol. Anyway, each colorful stage will match the intensity of life she has lived or variety…whichever! So far, in my own gameplay experience, I can see it is set in a very austere environment that should not be an immediate “turn-off”, since it has a purposely minimalist charm about it. Gradually, you will see its architectural, mathematical and highly artistic qualities unfold and this is where the game really kicks in, especially when she has the ability to jump, wrap herself in a box and smash through things even going further down the barren ground she walks on. Exciting yet? My rave isn’t over as I have only just begun and am leisurely taking my time in what…Stage Red? Considering I've had the game title brewing in my hard drive for more than a month now and you can actually  finish the game in well over 3-6 hours, it's laughable really 😆

As a final word though, it is elegant, mysterious and most importantly, all girl-powered! 

And! I suspect this game isn’t just for girls. 🙃 🤭 😹 

My name is the name of the game.

It's definitely no Journey which this game most probably is templated on and which I remember I didn't buy for the PS3 but if you want to know more about Gris, head on to its wiki page for a more accurate literary walkthrough. Mine is just a personal personal blog and is constrained by my game progress.


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