Switch Games Now

 … on Sale!

Well, it seems Steam is not my only hub for video games. First of all, despite the impressive specs of my iMac M1, the Mac in general isn’t built for hardcore gaming unlike Microsoft’s Windows which my nephew Rocco uses in his handsomely gadget-filled room and is so proud of toying around with.

I don’t have the latest version of PlayStation and I don’t intend to buy one just because it’s the latest high-end console craze. I already have two Nintendo Switches in my possession, the regular one with neon joy-cons and the Lite version in yellow and I’m currently content with my acquisitions. As a matter of fact, I don’t play with them to their full potential. I’m a self-professed casual gamer and I like to play at my own pace. It makes me appreciate the games even more when I don’t act like a mad gamer….like I used to maybe? *It's even becoming more evident now that I just like to buy games for the sake of buying them.*

Anyway, Nintendo eshop recently had a sale which they regularly hold anyway and this time I had the chance to buy at least 3 titles: Super Tennis Blast, 8-Ball Clash and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? with prices that were reasonable for me and easily affordable with my “survey money”. After saying yes! to all and playing with them a bit (considering you can really exploit the games till you actually finish the titles which will take hours to do), I have a renewed appreciation for my 2 homogenous consoles/handhelds. 

I already have some good titles on it like Legend of Zelda, Splatoon 2, Mario Tennis Aces, Street Fighter, Dragonball FighterZ, ARMS, Taiko No Tatsujin, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, AO Tennis 2, Gear-Club Unlimited, GRID Autosport, etc… a cornucopia of secondary and primary games all paid with good money but apparently, with all these mostly-Nintendo gaming gems, I don’t play with my Switches as much as I should! Happily, with these three new ones from independent providers, I am back in the game, literally! This is what they look like…

For me, Tennis has always been a game of Geometry. Angles.

Billiards is Physics. Applied Force.

General knowledge. Current events.
[From these three game purchases, it's like happily revisiting high-school really.]

As you can see, gorgeous puzzles are not the only things worth my precious time and attention. Except for Millionaire, I love a regular non-cerebral game just like any other gaming dork out there although I really prefer geek. Now that I've blogged this, I just remembered to buy more Pinball tables on any platform here, here, here. *wink wink*


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