I Dine with Idiots

I dine with idiots, I dine with them.

Every time I sit on my dining table

Alone, I hear them as distant voices,

                    as distant but clear vehicular sounds.

Penetrating our very room, clearly interfering.

It's especially annoying, it could even be unsound.

But to the perpetrator, it seems they're intent

                    To disturb, to annoy, to obstruct, to derail.

But why? Why doesn't matter anymore apparently

Because they're relentless, hell-bent on doing

whatever their Mission is, as it feels like a mission

To destroy the very essence of my Comfort, my Solace.

One day, when I am no longer here

Sitting, Eating Alone;

Let these Words be a reminder of how Ruinous

The non-neighbors were; as they're clearly not my neighbors.

These are passers-by, Observers, Intruders;

My unintended Cross in life. I have no justification 

For their Existence, for their unwanted Company.

I dine with Idiots Everyday with Every Meal.

Blunt as It may, 

Envious as they may sound and appear to be;

My only consolation is I hope they Die the Same.

No More Happy Meals from me.

As the One "single-handedly raising the Economy",

And you still want to Wage War against Me; I say

What rhymes with Luck? W h y... Fuck! Eureka!

🌞☀️🌞  Fuck The Philippines ☀️🌞☀️

(How's that for a Real, Honest to Goodness Tourism Slogan?)

They paid P47M for a disastrous and misleading Tourism Ad Campaign 

which includes this Logo.

 I did mine in less than 10 minutes and 

it's  l o v e l y and it’s f r e e ! 😊 You're all Welcome! 

As the commoner might say, it's a PotFuck! 

Meaning, you can bring your own Fuck everybody!


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