3 Games Acquisti


I just bought my fave games on various platforms...

Empire Warrior Tower Defense No Ads Purchase+ for the iPAD/iMAC. This game is clearly a Vietnamese (Developer’s) knock-off of the addictive, highly-rated and amusing Uruguay TD game Kingdom Rush Series but don't tell them I told you. In many ways, this one is easier to play with. As for “cheaper”, I'm not so sure. I also have this on my Samsung Android phone, btw. It’s got many bugs though.

Back to the Future Pinball Table for Zen Pinball 2 on the iMAC, the only Pinball game that will work on the MAC. I’m already enjoying this on my Switch but the iMac’s got a bigger, more suitable display not to mention its trademark Spatial Audio for the entertaining movie sound bytes.

Real Boxing 2 for the Nintendo Switch, a real steal for $.50 (I bought a couple of days ago)!  I was looking for a good wrestling game but this is what I found. From the short gameplay time I’ve spent with it so far, I find it’s not that bad. It actually works well and that’s saying a lot!

...and I celebrate them by illustrating them on my MUJI diary book. 
Trust me, even if I don’t spend a lot of time with them (because at this point, I simply can’t ), I love what I buy. E n j o y!


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