
Showing posts from June, 2024

Reality Bites, Ow!

Do you know how it is when you want to do it again after you've just done it knowing full well that you can't and don’t have to? I'm referring of course to having another serious strength training workout after this morning's two-hour session with just myself. Right now, I'm mentally denying my fatigue. Knowing full well that I can't do another bout of self-training exercises mainly because you need some downtime, I'm just ruminating on exercising again. So yeah…it’s that kind of a day. Anyway while waiting patiently for my doctor's teleconsult this afternoon, I thought it would simply be nice to blog about something, something within the radius of my consciousness or reality because subject matters on TV are really beyond my scope of concern and after gym, TV is my go-to leisure activity at home. So today, I'm going to blog about what's trending on social media, at least in the Philippines. This is not bashing or ranting about something that so

Hello Hello!

  J une brings showers, flowers and beauty all around us. The name means youth from Latin juvenis , young people. As of today June 4, I think I have seen 4-5 free movies in the regular theaters as part of my Senior Citizen perks. Two of them really are for children, IF and Garfield...and I loved them both.  I thought Garfield won't be a disappointment to watch for its cuteness based on the books but when we were introduced to Vic his estranged father  (spoiler alert) , we all saw a cuter fatter cat than Garfield himself, the ultimate lazy fat sarcastic cat. Never mind the storyline at first I thought. The 3D animation and wisecracks were good enough to grab our collective attention, adults and children alike especially if you're already familiar with the strip. Now if I wanted more immersion, maybe I'll plan on watching it again next week as I missed on the nitty-gritty of the criminal world they find themselves embroiled in not that any of it is complicated. Nothing here

Koi to Dragon

At the moment, as in today Saturday the first of June, I find myself stranded at home and staring at my adorned bedroom wall behind the bathroom door, at the Kois acrylic painting I did from an image I found in Pinterest several years ago. Maybe I'm procrastinating in doing my friend Ellen's portrait on the roof. It's probably too hot to paint there anyway. I'm staring and I'm thinking about the myth of the Koi   turning into a dragon by swimming up a waterfall and going against the the forces of nature and successfully swimming upstream by sheer will. Kois have always been a symbol of positivity. They're vibrant, lively and full of energy and are favorite subject matters for artists, as I am witness to my artist circle of friends’ usual artworks. They're revered animals in both China where the myth originates and Japan where they are strong symbols of luck and wealth and used as a popular tattoo design. So, I'm here today stuck in my room to meditate up