
Showing posts from July, 2024

22 Filipino Athletes at the 33rd Paris Olympics

After the onslaught of Typhoon Carina, we are left with watching the rainy day but highly engaging Opening of the 33rd Paris Olympics on You Tube  as only the French  Mesdames et Messieurs   can deliver (...thanks YouTube and Smart Sports! I miss watching TV5 Monde btw.)  As a matter of fact, it's a 4-hour live stream and I'm still not through watching it. It's in faraway France, and although it's also raining there, it won't dampen the spirit of the athletes especially the select 22 people to represent the Philippines (I hope) for it's only rain and the lovely river Seine. So here are the chosen 22! Here's your chance to redeem the Philippines' golden status on the world stage, if not simply enjoy your participation in the Olympics. Go Philippines!   Boxing, Rowing, Swimming, Weightlifting, Golf, Pole Vault, Gymnastics, Hurdles, Judo... Let's collectively cheer for them, shall we? For the full list of athletes, click here. * U p d a t e s: * Congrat

Metro Manila Today: State of the Nation Addressed Re: Our Liquid Assets

Oh boy!   It's 8:24 am MLA time and the rains have been cascading non-stop since early this morning. As a matter of fact, we have been issued a Red Alert Warning by the NDRRMC (National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council) for the current weather conditions. That means that we are experiencing severe, extreme and excessive weather and that we are advised to stay home as classes in private schools as well as attendances in government offices have been cancelled. And I thought the Orange Alert yesterday was already intense as I was scrambling to get home from the gym at 10 am when there was a sudden downpour, to try to avoid our subdivision's accumulation of creek water possibly resulting in a mini street flood and my car being stranded in traffic. Yikes! 😱 Anyway, this present scenario, a quick look at the local news and me being stranded at home now has given me time to think and blog about it...for what's a girl to do? The streets of Manila right now inundated

2024: Half-Year Look

We're already in July this year and it may or may not be customary for you to recollect the first half of the year but I'm doing it just the same because basing on this 2024 selfie collage alone, I've been through quite a lot and it's worth the recollection, hoping or even assuming the next half will be just as filled with memories, both happy or happier.  Thanks to my Samsung Galaxy S8 which I bought as a second hand unit in January, I have accumulated good snapshots of myself when I'm out and about the mall where I gym and shop or window-shop and in doing so, monitored myself in the process. As the mind is a constant orchestration of songs when I'm being peripatetic, I am always reminded by the song My Favorite Things  when I’m walking alone so as never to be sad and I would like to share what this means to me: Rayban Wayfarers and Starbucks Espressos Whipped cream that stays on my nose and eyeglasses Nice Puma shoes that's on sale for the masses These are


 Right now, I only do commissions of my friends I know personally from school. Otherwise, I don't do them. Ellen's Family Portrait in Acrylic Step by Step. Apparently, this is not yet done. Update July 13: I hope this is the final artwork. Doll's Mr. Einstein and Picasso in Pencil Sketches #watercolor #wip Update for August 1: Cats are done!


Today, I had the chance of having my chipped tooth fixed by our family dentist 🦷 as I was a chance passenger in my sister’s early morning car ride to the hospital where she clinics. With the unbearable traffic Manila is notoriously known for, it’s the only time one can freely move about and I’m not one to brave that distance to the office by myself. Thankfully, traffic wasn’t really as heavy this time. As it turns out, it wasn’t the only thing I had a chance at today. I had the chance to have a heart-to-heart talk (very normal for us) with our driver Elyboy while my sister was at the backseat listening to every thing I was saying which may not be as normal for her. I’ve never been as talkative or verbally open in the presence of my sister before. You can say we have a restricted, calculated kind of relationship. Apparently, I am more comfortable talking to our driver than to her, the driver being more accessible, ie when he’s around and my sister doesn’t really need him. While at the