Today's Bible Passages (aka For the love of Macoy is the stuff of Daddy's True Legacy)

This blog is borne out of a phone confrontation between me and my sister/doctor regarding Macoy's worsening behavioral condition. I want to make it as pithy as can be.

My sister’s so-called paranoid reassurance in dealing with others prompted by me calling in the Barangay (Local) Officials to the house…I really don’t care, do you?

Sabi ni Ate, mag-ingat ka, gag-ganchohin ka lang nila...referring to my newfound friends in the gym. To be fair, although I may appear to be carelessly friendly to most people, I know what I'm doing and I practice discretion at all times but this is still sound advise coming from her. But now that I think about it, what a weird thing to say. Even my friends in the neighborhood she says are just acquaintances. It’s as if saying I should not trust anybody at all. I’m sorry but I still believe in the goodness in man, little though it may be…it still can be nurtured, for trust is the foundation of love. Besides, action speaks louder than words, sister. I am not the wayward daughter you think I am. I am still here, living and reliving my days with both my parents until perhaps everything gets fully resolved. If she thinks this is such a crazy idea, maybe it's because she never really loved them as they never really appreciated her and all her efforts. She wants to get away from their memories as far as she can and stick it out with her "hard-earned" friends. 

Well here's some news for her: you never can get away from the "make-up" of your parents! They're part of your DNA. Everything about them, both physiological and in mindset. I don't know. I could have been insubordinate with them at times but time will tell if I had been wrong all the time. And this is the perfect time to prove me right (...or wrong)! 

At least and with all due respect, I'm not as jaded as you and I will keep correcting the error of my ways as best I can. Unlike you, I don't live my life with society's yardstick and I couldn't care less what people think of me. I measure myself by my own God-given standards and this is what the Bible has to say about that.


What does the Bible say about saving one soul?

Doctrine and Covenants 18:15–16 Great and eternal happiness can be found in bringing souls unto Christ.  And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!

ME: All I want is to save one soul.


Matthew 16:25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 

ME: For whosoever tries to protect his so-called self-made life has not gained the wisdom of losing his life for God and has not followed Him at his or her detriment, unfortunately. People so sure of themselves are usually those whose asses need saving, take note. Try your best not to listen to the dictates of society for this will bring your life to ruin. Be wary of the world and try instead to listen to your heart for the Lord God himself resides in it.


Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD and His righteousness and All these things shall be added unto you.

ME: Yes. All my life, I have delighted only in goodness and truth.


Ephesians 2: 8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

ME: It is not your say on the matter anymore, whatever you think you have to say about any matter, for that matter. It is by GOD's mercy that you will and can be saved ie, if you want saving. If GOD has chosen you to be His follower, GOD will pursue you = pre-determined fate.

Alea Iacta Est! The die is cast! 

Long live GOD 

the Creator of All!

Having said all these, it is important to remember that Love begets Love and if you only have love as a spark and wish to keep it alive, it will grow into a flame for all mankind to bear witness to.

Here's a good blog to read. Love begets Beauty. For hope.


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