February 2019 Paintings

Year of the Pig 3 Sumi-E Watercolor on A4+. February 26.

Year of the Pig 2 in Acrylic. 10.25"x 7.5" Canvas Pad. February 26.

Year of the Pig 2. Watercolor on A4+. February 25.

Year of the Pig. Sumi-E Watercolor on A4+ Canson Sketchpad. February 25.

2 Horses. An 8.25"x 11.5" watercolor. February 24.

Cat's Eyes. 16"x 16" Acrylic. February 24.

Girl in Lavender, a 16" x 20" Acrylic painting on canvas board.
From a tutorial by The Art Sherpa. February 17.

Sassy Rooster from The Art Sherpa. 14" x 18" Acrylic. Feb 15.

Selfie Pikazo'd in Watercolor and Ink. February 15.

Faces in Ballpoint Pen, China Ink and Markers. February 14.

Sunflower Island Watercolor. February 10.

Sunset Glow, a YouTube tutorial in watercolor. February 6.

9.5" x 14" Seascape Watercolor using Isabey #1 wc mop brush. 
Kung Hei Fat Choi. February 5.

Chickens Live in Soft Pastel. February 2 at the Gateway Gallery.


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