October 2021 Paintings

Soft Pastel Pieces for the 6th Philippine Pastel Convention. October 30-31.

Doodle 5. October 29.

Doodle 4. October 29.

Doodle 3. October 28.

Duck digital doodle. October 28.

Afternoon doodle. Digital drawing. October 28.

El Nido Palawan. Soft Pastel on 7.5”x 10.5” Baohong watercolor paper. October 28.

Dawn, a soft pastel piece on a 7.5” x 10.5” Baohong watercolor paper. October

Bato Bato Challenge 7 in Soft Pastel. 9"x12" Canson Mi-Teintes. October 21.

Bato Bato Challenge 6 in Soft Pastel. 9"x12" Canson Mi-Teintes. October 19.

Harbor Free Workshop Demo in Soft Pastel by JSLegaspi. 9" x 12" Canson Mi-Teintes. October 8.


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