The English Language

Warning: This concerns only BBC, not Shakespeare.

There is something about the English language that is both calming and unnerving at the same time. You see, people seem to revel at its greatness, regardless. Just look at BBC for instance. If there’s such a thing as cloud porn or just plain porn (I hate to say the unmentionables here); listening to BBC is like listening to “audible porn”. It doesn’t matter what the News tells you, whether it’s about the unacceptable atrocities of the War in Iraq, Syria, Kabul, etc or the heart-wrenching treatment of Muslim women in the world or women as a whole. The words spoken are spoken with panache, with flair; a sense of controlled prose or poetry even when what is being said deals with horror or abuse. The way it’s being said is as if “Everything will be alright as long as we’re saying it. Correctly.” It kind of gives us a false security.
A little about me:
Besides being a nagger at home, my mother was a lawyer and a certified orator in school (just stating the facts here, no mush) while daddy was just an incessant talker (mostly in his native Bicol); and ever since I learned to speak publicly in class (at an early age) and being the youngest of five very studious/highly talkative children, I’d like to think of myself a good communicator as well. To cut the long story short, I loved languages for as long as I can remember. As a matter of fact, Mi piace Italiano, J'adore le Français, Ich liebe Deutsch, just to name a few, even if I don’t speak them. But since we have been an American Colony historically, I have always developed an appreciation for English whether in the form of writing (so many compositions in school) or as a spoken word (by simply having to talk in front of the classroom, a controlled environment).
Going back:
But the English language as only the English can deliver them is as different as night and day from the American English we got to know from imported TV shows permeating our air waves from the day I was born and even before that.
You see, American English (Attn: CNN) sounds so EMO with its high-pitchiness, mood and occasional cracks while British English sounds even-toned and completely objective even in content.
Needless to say, English as delivered by the English is quite unbeatable by any other English-speaking country in the world___whether it be South Africa, America, New Zealand, Australia with its distinct accent or even the Philippines with its own unique style.
The point I am trying to get across___with this quickly written blog post is that with all the world problems we are faced with right now and there’s no shortage of it, BBC comes off as entertaining to me (sometimes). It's true! I mean it neither as an insult nor a compliment. Sometimes, having false security in my day is not so bad. It can even sustain.
To conclude, never mind its thrust of tackling difficult subject matter and asking hard-hitting questions all the time, but the “mere idea” of Hardtalk to me is h i l a r i o u s! As hell.


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