For those who may give an iota of concern, read on…

I’m not entirely well. I suffer from frequent headaches probably due to lack of solid deep sleep for a couple of months or even years now and many adjustments I am making in my life (like simply loving life for the first time in a long time), not entirely discounting wrong prescription lenses, I suspect. I don’t blame anyone for this. So when a disturbing person comes my way, I have to recognise it immediately and take the necessary precautions to save or defend myself. I simply couldn’t take additional and/or unnecessary headaches in my life right now or in the days to come. Presumptiveness or an arrogant attitude is not a quality I particularly like in others. I think it’s a bad attitude, regardless of whether you’re a competent/fairly intelligent person or not. With that observation, I hope people will see it, my uncommon reactions ie, for what they are…not as a way of seeking attention but more of a way of self-preservation. That said, I have a lot of lifework to be done in the house. Idiots inside and outside not welcome in my endeavours.


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