Fruit Vendor Step by Step

The beginnings of another fruit vendor painting prompted by 
my attraction to the Avocado Vendor I did so many months ago & 
still displayed in the dining room area (because it hasn't been sold).
Maybe I’ll give that one a makeover soon. Oh boy, I miss painting with acrylics!

After adjusting the woman’s face, going for the bananas 🍌, the papaya and the watermelon 🍉.
I’m hoping this one will turn out really fruity and wholesome, whatever that means.

Adding some dragonfruit, mangosteen, and orange grounds.

Defining volume.

A wip is still a wip, even when there's no one weeping there.

Shelved and finally finished. Only this May 17, 2023. 
As they say, better late than never.


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