Coke Adds Life...and all that jazz

 Who says you can't have fun with your art? It's turning out to be my mission in life. *Conditions* Doesn't have to be serious with always an effort to sell. Just "liveable" and maybe something you would want to buy for yourself. 

Here's an exercise in 2D or flat, poster-color type painting of a retro Coca-Cola Ad I found in Pinterest. I had fun painting in the iconic Coca-Cola text (thanks to the good ole non-shaky hands), some white generic 1950's lady model, a beautiful Coke bottle with a greenish hue I always wanted to paint (maybe I'll do some more) finished with some splattered darker paint over a blue turquoise background (easy to do). 

Next, I want to paint some Cezanne. He's an ODG (old dead guy) and copyright-free, right?

Incidentally, here are some slogans by the Coca Cola Company through the years that have turned into catchy phrases similar to the title of this blog that's good to reminisce.

I don't want to shoot myself in the foot here but it looks like her eye's about to drink that Coke! Uh-oh!

source: Pinterest, retro


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