March marches on!

Do you ever find it weird or curious how time treads on, proceeding with no regard for pause or reflection? Yes it does. It’s as if it was only yesterday that we were all on lockdown due to Covid-19 and as the name suggests, it happened in 2019, about three or four years ago to date. Nobody wants to relive a collective state of torpor but almost all of us are already out of it trying to live a normal life equivalent to our pre-pandemic selves….easily forgetful as if the pandemic never happened, maybe?

As a matter of fact, 2023 seemed to have just begun and amazingly, we already find ourselves here in its third month March. The question now is what have we, what have I done these first two months so far? 

Well today at least, I spent real, engaged time trying to enhance our old childhood pictures which I have started to do at the height of the pandemic and even before that. It seems to be a passion. There are new AI APPS to help you that were non-existent two years ago or even last year. Some really do their job very well (have you seen it?) especially if you have workable material at hand.

Before PhotoAI face retouch/coloring and After

Speaking of polished photo enhancements/restorations, I have been getting comfortable watching various video downloads on my iMac ‘puter with a fantastic 4.5k resolution; better than what the 26” Samsung TV in my bedroom has to offer. It’s getting interesting. I have seen all ten Oscar-nominated films for Best Picture (just in time for the Awards Season) among other personal choices of film. Although I can’t remember all the storylines right now all at once, I can probably remember them on cue. I can say my mind has broadened a bit simply by watching an assortment of well-told stories. Watching movies is like reading a book for me, which admittedly I have yet to do more of. 

I have to add that our household has semi-decided to forego with our cable subscription renewing this month due in part to a lack of addicting programming plus a high price to boot. It would be an adjustment for sure but it would be alright if I simply stuck with the *essential* programming that YouTube and Torrent (video) files will happily provide for me since they operate "on demand". So, will it be happy or sad for me to see the Live News outlets BBC and CNN out the window? I still don’t know. I’m so used to be passively watching the “negatives” all the time!

Also, since developing a lovely habit of walking out in the sun every morning, I noticed  despite the air being a little cooler still, the sun has noticeably gotten a bit hotter at the beginning of this month. In this part of the world, March signifies the start of Summer but never has it been more felt this time.

Time marches on. We change. We grow. Without knowing how, time keeps moving unimpeded and resolutely and if we don’t stop for a brief moment to pause and reflect... and although it may sound foreboding as I would hate to be a harbinger of doom, time can casually engulf us all in the end. That said, welcome to your life.


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