Marunong Gumanti ang Katulong (The household help Bherly only knows guileful tactics)

...Pero hindi marunong magsumbong!

It is so intelligent, it rejects Authority. Scared perhaps? Of a proper resolution? 

With all her supposed “responsible” problem-solving roles in life :

  • from being tutor and mother to only son EJ, 
  • to being only guardian to elderly, single, sickly-looking father Bert,
  • to being supporter to secondary income-earner Erlu in the family, (all living  in the kitchen)
  • and being provider to ALL in many iterations including me, Alexis and Macoy and her family entire who all come for a visit time and again;

try to resolve me now.

...Because how do you solve a problem like M E ?

Try being more open to a dialogue with me. 

Try solving the thing you fear the most. At least.

Then maybe we can go on with a semblance of a normal household.

Otherwise, I will keep living a clandestine life of being host not only to you proximal parasites, but to a whole slew of surrounding ones you have no idea how far-reaching their impact is, in both their importance and my interaction with them. Important as you may be, you’re still all parasites in this current living setup.

As an unmissable reminder, a parasite is:


  • 1.   an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.
  • 2.   a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others: 
Used in a sentence: They are greedy politicians, parasites with their snouts in the public trough.____________________
To me, in my current physical condition, a parasite, these parasites I have pointed out are giving me a worsening health status I have to actively combat day in and day out. Although it definitely is not, it almost feels like a losing battle because they’re clearly not after my own personal welfare but their own.  In fact, I feel they are literally out to get me…one way or the other and in a very malicious way.  That simply is their nature. The nature of a parasite!
In having a basic human relationship, I want a symbiosis that isn’t based on parasitism. I want one based on mutualism and commensalism. 
I just watched a forthcoming YouTube video of the 🌍 ‘s Richest Homes and their owners. Although I am not one to envy any of them because it is not in my nature to envy (period); I feel I deserve a better house and home, plain and simple. And I want it ASAP, while I am still able to properly decide and do it wilfully. Otherwise, based on the butterfly effect, today as in this day, we will all live edgily, anxiously and excitably and this will be the same case for tomorrow and the following day, etc (something that nobody wants really) that is, until I finally get my long warranted beauty sleep in the exact equal amounts that I have lost them. 
Then and only then will we finally see change….for the better and long-lastingly. Right Elon?

The house(s) that Tesla built.
P. S. We can only live one day at a time.----------------
I noticed my words are  being actively ignored by the enemy (mostly by the parasites nearby). They simply refuse to listen and continue to annoy/destroy/disrupt despite my pleas for a cease fire. So as a voice (of reason) perpetually crying on deaf ears, and in fact me always the one being able to listen to their jeers (ironically), I say let them jeer on....while they can...for as long as they want even.
History has a way of repeating itself anyway and with me in it this time, I see nothing but the brightest future ahead.


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