Meeting of the Minds

4 am status

Preparing breakfast for me and Macoy on the Roof where he has been sleeping for a week now (upright on a couch). I don’t think he will ever come down again because of his deep despise for his Auntie/Doktora who is situated just above his bedroom and is disturbingly noisy, according to him.

Idiot Ramos/ Ignoramos and cohorts Status 

Ready to Pounce at me with their barrage of filthy vehicular noises. 

I can never be accused of being paranoid by my doctor-sister who probably thinks I am paranoid. (She loves profiling and labeling people. It is simply her job to assess and diagnose people with incurable diseases.) 

Because everything for me is real!  

She thinks every person on the planet is autistic or at least when she finds somebody annoying and "impossible" to deal with like my brother Rocky sometimes, she would secretly classify them as such! I personally think Rocky is in the Autism Spectrum Disorder anyway so why not just tell it straight to his face? Could it be because he's more highly functioning than her (...who earns a lot, more than any of his siblings combined?)

Maybe one day, these two wayward souls (my sister and Ramos) can meet and discuss me. First question to ask and try to answer (about me) is: What Happened?


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