

I watched Napoleon last Thursday (Bonifacio Day) in an IMAX theater practically all by myself. I was probably viewing it with less than 6 people tops. I wasn’t intending to see this movie when I drove to the nearby theater (unplanned) although I still bought myself a ticket when I got there because well, it’s about a controversial historical figure and this was the better option to watching the Miyazaki Heron Animé that wasn't being shown, the movie I was all set to watch.

Anyway, despite the very violent love-making, gory beheadings and graphic war scenes, I sort of liked it. Again, I’m not one to give a review since I slept through many of its parts (the theater was very cold and I had to buy a blanket from the popcorn concessionaire just to be able to stand the cold as I was only dressed in a delicate Spiderman house t-shirt and shorts.) In fact, when I had to go home when the movie was finished, I wondered what happened in (ill-fated) Waterloo since I completely missed it and woke up with the end credits already rolling.

The principal characters Napoleon played by Joaquin Phoenix and Aristocrat Josephine played by Vanessa Kirby (who I believe was Princess Margaret from The Crown) to me were the highlights of the movie. They were very engaging and they made you forget the complications of understanding Napoleon’s actual historical role/significance in the War particularly in the time of the French Revolution when France was in a dreary time of transition.

I guess with all the “graphicness” of the highly-polished, high-profile movie, the take-away from all this is that these are human figures with foibles and flaws but still highly interesting and in the end, I feel I can relate to them as such, this being my personal contribution to the Community. Not that I feel like a bratty, egotistical champion or even a meaningful member of high society but sometimes I behave in such a foolhardy fashion with a careless attitude (perhaps befitting the stereotypical Aristocrat or rich person) but that’s that and I’m not at all Miss Perfect despite my God-given generosity in spirit and attitude. I never imagined myself to be a role model in life anyway.

So, no remorse. No regret. 

If this Bee was chosen by Napoleon as a symbol of his Empire 
as bees were a symbol of the ancient sovereigns of France,

I can buy myself flowers, even indulge in a movie by myself and as a thoroughly modern person, just BE. 

So please let me.

Interesting Napoleon Habits and Idiosyncrasies (to me):

Here's the Napoleonic Aussie Website in its entirety if you care to know about history and additional info as I am wont to do after watching a movie of my liking. 🤩

In Conclusion:

If the French loved the pursuit of liberté, egalité and fraternité enough to overthrow the sitting sovereignty hell-bent on maintaining absolute power, then thank God for an indulgent internet that can donnez moi la Liberté! 
Take note, Philippines!


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