Jesus Christ as Art Only

By now, my appreciation for Art has only deepened. I have reached a point when I can no longer live without it as Art gives me life, love and respect or appreciation. Without Art, Life has no meaning and without Love.

I appreciate how the Renaissance has turned Jesus Christ in their own European model and face. They have actually given him a face one can appreciate. I am no diehard fan of Jesus Christ the Man himself as he was an ordinary, common misfit in His time. I follow His teachings because it comes naturally for me to follow what is Universally true and what actually works and not every morsel of wisdom in this world was his original thought.

I personally have no motif for celebration for Jesus Christ this Holiday Season. I think it's a scam. Christmas is for nitwits.

Renaissance Art of Religion far moves me to divination.

So Fuck Off, Jesus Christ beside me. Fuck off or Jerk Off!  Your undying, unrelenting envy of all of my being will be your own undoing, not mine. So with your undying alliance with Poverty and the Poor.

The Salvador Mundi by Leonardo you see is only good when seen with the naked, artistic, painterly eye. Not with your religion or spirituality. And certainly not with your Jesus Christ logic. Lest you lose your very soul. Art is an Illusion as any artist would tell you but it is by far my better choice than what Jesus Christ espouses.

Be your own Saviour. 

Don't let Him get to you this Christmas!

"I pity the Fool!" ---Mr. T of The A-Team


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