Rich Sister Poor Sister

A fictitious account by Miyazaki.

Once upon a Haiku, there were two sisters left in an old dilapidated house left by their father as their only refuge from the cold bitter world of the RAT. One worked for a living. The other stayed at home taking care of a disabled person, both their nephew. One was a functional member of the RAT. The other WAS not! The working sister had plenty of money to collect in her den. The other had virtually none. The other was carefree and didn’t think much about money but enjoyed her life to the hilt by being friendly to all that she met…while the working one was responsible and money-assured but kept most to herself and a select few she considered close friends.

One day, the one with virtually no money RAN out of it…buying things for herself and gifts for her friends. The one with plenty still had much to spare but did not give to her sister and their nephew at home.

What do you think happened? Try and figure this out while Miyazaki thinks about it.


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