Objective: Objectivity!

Been to the Doctor (psychiatrist) today, as advised by my doctor sister...before looking for another one to hear my newfound physical complaints.

Exclamation 1: I've never talked to him since 2006!

Exclamation 2: And it was only yesterday when I had a civilized conversation with my sister.

Addtn'l Bit of Record Trivia: Plus I'm 45 and I've never been to a doctor for the longest time (for general check-up anyway).

Record Trivia #2: I've taken up Medical Transcription when I was not under his mutilation er...monitoring. Don't tell me having a sense of dry humor is all that bad.

Points to ponder:
  • Basically, he says I'm more in focus...more than he had ever seen me before. That would mean anytime during the whole length of time I've been seeing him since the early '90s.
  • I haven't been taking my medicines since 2005 or 2006, and apparently I've done well without them (...and something he overlooked completely...him!)
  • He didn't prescribe any...for fear that I might not want to see him again.
  • I have low-grade depression and recommend I read up on Calabrese.
  • He gave me a prescription to have my T3 T4 and TSH taken, as requested.
  • I'm not fat!

Here's what we know about Joseph Calabrese, MD. An article about bipolar II.

Here's what I've read on Low-Grade Depression. I'd rather focus on getting well than on a condition I'm most likely to overcome anyway. Full Stop.

Note: If I were to write (based on my knowledge in transcribing) my own SOAP, here's how it would read...but I guess people aren't ready to hear the truth. Or I'm not ready to write a full disclosure, not that my medical records are all up to me.


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