
Showing posts from June, 2019

Elezebrafly Step by Step

 Background, underpaintings.  Butterfly Pink Ears  Zebra black stripes  Elephant volume and tusks Un42n8ly, this is not an original picture from me. It's from a Google/Pinterest image. Altered. Final.

June 2019 Paintings

Elezebrafly, a 20" x 24" acrylic painting from a Google image. June 23. Two Frogs in the Rain. 15"x 20" Acrylic. June 13. Aladdin Tribute in watercolor. 9.5"x 14". June 9. Purple Blast, an Andrew Geeson 9.5"x 14" watercolor tutorial. June 5  Flower on a Rock 6"x 6" watercolor. June 2. Layered Poppies 6"x 6" watercolor. June 2.