
Showing posts from June, 2021

Reena Family Step by Step

 This is a commissioned portrait of my Theresian classmate and childhood friend Reena's son Vince, wife Billie and baby daughter Charlie done on a 14" x 18" canvas with removable frame, ready for hanging. This is going to be her third painting from me. Chalk mapping with only 2 grid lines. Painting the sky light blue. Adding a tree trunk. Adding some palm leaves and more branches. Improving the branches and leaves. Brunailling the figures. Started painting Vince's face. Added adjustments on the face. Painted in the mother's face. Painted in baby Charlie. Made some adjustments to the clothing. Did the suit and some more. Adjusted Vince's face and Billie's top. Adjusted the baby's face. Final Artwork! Done! Last minute alterations. Softened the baby's face. Tapered Billie's dress.

Yellow Bird Watercolor Step by Step

  A pencil sketch of a bird perched on a branch. Some BG wash of light purple leaving light blurred flowers on top. Some pink flower buds and leaves. Yellow bird painted in. With a few more tweaks, I consider this done! Another one in the can- ary!

June 2021 Paintings

Hagod Pastel Series 1, “Takure”. Oil Pastel on 16"x 20" Canvas. June 27. Reena's Family. 14" x 18" Acrylic Portrait. June 25. Greeting Card. Do the math. 8" x 5.5" Soft Pastel on black paper. June 23. Walled City Challenge 4. Oil Pastel on 9”x 12” Canson Mi-Teintes paper. June 23. Walled City Challenge 3. Soft Pastel on 9”x 12” Canson Mi-Teintes paper. June 21. Walled City Challenge 2. Soft Pastel on 9”x 12” Canson Mi-Teintes paper. June 21. Walled City Challenge 1. Soft Pastel on 9”x 12” Canson Mi-Teintes paper. June 20. Yellow Bird. 11 3/4" x 8 1/2"Watercolor. June 2. Bato Bato Challenge 4. Soft Pastel on 11"x 14" Strathmore Paper. June 1.